RMAPI is a coalition of the willing, individuals and organizations working together to tackle systemic root causes that create and perpetuate poverty in Rochester.


Special Report: Poverty and the Concentration of Poverty in the Nine-County Greater Rochester Area (ACT Rochester 2013) --

This report outlined the depth of poverty in Rochester and became the foundation of what became the Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative.


Rochester, USA Smarter Cities Challenge Report (IBM 2015) --

The City of Rochester was one of 16 cities selected to receive a Smarter Cities Challenge grant from IBM in 2015 as part of IBM’s citizenship effort. The resulting report outlines the root causes of poverty in Rochester and issues a range of recommendations.


Benchmarking Rochester's Poverty: A 2015 Update and Deeper Analysis of Poverty in the City of Rochester (ACT Rochester 2015)

This report is a companion and update to the 2013 Special Report on Poverty. The report also compares poverty data based on gender and race, educational attainment, disability, employment, age, and family size and income.


Poverty and Self-Sufficiency inthe Nine-County Greater Rochester Area (ACT Rochester 2016) --

This report expands the present data on poverty, catalogues the growing community efforts to address it, and adds a perspective on the difference between poverty and self-sufficiency.



Progress Report: A Roadmap for Change (RMAPI 2015) --

RMAPI’s first report outlines the root causes of poverty in Rochester and outlines the collective approach to addressing it, including 33 initial recommendations for actions.


GUIDING PRINCIPLES: Mobilizing our Community to Achieve Self-Sufficiency (RMAPI 2016)--

This report establishes the Guiding Principles of our community’s efforts to address poverty and promote upward mobility—Addressing Structural Racism, Addressing Trauma, and Building Community.


RMAPI Community Concerns Assessment (2020)--

Through RMAPI’s outreach to the community, this reportoutlines major concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Wage Disparities in Monroe County by Race and Gender (City of Rochester and RMAPI 2017) --

This report from RMAPI and the City of Rochester outlines the disparities in wages in Rochester, finding that Black andBrown people are paid less across all sectors and regardless of level of education.

Community Advocacy
RMAPI’s Collective Impact
Creating Systemic Change